Frequently Asked Questions about delivery and transport

Is the transport included in your prices?

Transport is not included, our prices are considered as "Ex work".

How do you calculate shipping charges?

Shipping charges are calculated according to the weight of your order and the delivery zone.

Who are your express operators?

We use different transport services like: TNT JET SERVICES, DPD, EXAPACK, MORY et BREGER.

What is the delivery time?

Delivery of your order is subject to the availability of our inventory and depends also on the delivery zone. Our express operators usually deliver between 24h and 72h.

Can I refuse the delivery?

You can refuse a delivery, however shipping and packing costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. After acceptance and reception, AXESS PACK® will address a refund corresponding to the value of this one and will carry it to the credit of its clients' account.

What is the cancellation time?

AXESS PACK® accepts the return of items which would not correspond to purchaser expectations. The material concerned must be standard (with exclusion thus of any material carried out especially or prepared by request) and its value does not have to exceed 1 500 Euros (VAT not included). It must be returned in a rigorously new state. Before reforwarding, the return request must be formulated by the purchaser within 30 days at the latest according to the reception of the material. In any cases, shipping and packing costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. After acceptance and reception, AXESS PACK® will address a refund corresponding to the value of this one and will carry it to the credit of its clients' account.

What to do when parcels are delivered?

When you receive your package, we ask that you examine it closely prior to opening the factory sealed product packaging. If the parcels look damaged, report it to the delivery bill or refuse it (and let us know by email).

The delivery is incomplete and/or erroneous and/or defective?

In this case, send us an email relating the problem. To be admissible, the possible disputes must be justified and brought to our attention within 7 clear day.